Installation Instructions
1. Use the Angle Mounting kit SLAR-TM (Picture 5). Connect the U-channels to the roof just like in the Flush
Mounting method. Assemble the mounting clips to both U-channels utilizing the provided bolts (Picture 6).
2. Screw the mounting clips to the BOTTOM part of the collector (the weep hole side) using two (2) stainless steel or
aluminum screws, each (Picture 7).
3. Assemble both rods and top mounting clips (Picture 8). Connect the clips to the collector’s top by stainless steel or
aluminum screws. (Figure #4)
4. Connect to the U-channels to the opposite side of the rod, using the provided nuts and bolts (Picture 9).
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 5
Picture 6
Figure #4
Picture 9