Title: MAN 266, GTecLink Data loggers User Manual
Rev 1.0.1
Page 3 of 32
General Information
Thank you for choosing the GTecLink Data logger.
This manual has been written to provide you with relevant information and
to guide you in best practice when using a GTecLink Data logger in order for
you to gain the most from our product.
Please read this manual thoroughly before use to help avoid any problems
and keep it handy when using a GTecLink Data logger.
The family of GTecLink data loggers consists of five different data loggers
that may be used as standalone data loggers (without remote
communication) or radio data loggers (with remote communication
through a gateway). Please note that we will use the terms data logger and
node interchangeable within this manual.
Data Logger Installation
2.1 Equipment
GTecLink data loggers are shipped with the following accessories:
- Data logger
- Antenna
- Antenna adapter
- RTC battery (if applicable)
Not included:
- USB-OTG configuration cable
- Batteries
- Sensor surge protection
- Grounding protection
- Mounting supports (if needed)