§ 11 General rules of conduct
(1) Anyone driving a miniature electric vehicle must drive one behind the other, must not be attached to moving vehicles
and may not drive freehand.
(2) Small electric vehicles may not deviate from the requirement to drive as far to the right as possible on lanes with
several lanes.
(3) If there are no direction indicators on a small electric vehicle, anyone driving a small electric vehicle shall announce the
change of direction clearly and in good time by hand signals so that other road users can adjust their behaviour
(4) Anyone driving a small electric vehicle on bicycle traffic surfaces shall take bicycle traffic into account and, if necessary,
adjust the speed to the bicycle traffic. Anyone driving a small electric vehicle must enable faster cycling to overtake
without obstruction. Pedestrians have priority on common footpaths and cycle paths (sign 240 of Annex 2 to the Road
Traffic Regulations) and must not be obstructed or endangered. If necessary, the speed shall be adapted to pedestrian
(5) The parking regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply mutatis mutandis to the parking of very small electric vehicles.
§ 12 Particularities in case of traffic bans imposed under the Road Traffic Act
(1) If a ban is imposed on vehicles of all types (sign 250 of Annex 2 to the Road Traffic Regulations), very small electric
vehicles may be pushed there.
(2) If a prohibition for motor vehicles (sign 251 of Annex 2 to the Road Traffic Regulations), a prohibition for motorcycles
(sign 255 of Annex 2 to the Road Traffic Regulations), a prohibition for motor vehicles (sign 260 of Annex 2 to the Road
Traffic Regulations) or a prohibition for motor vehicles (sign 267 of Annex 2 to the Road Traffic Regulations) is imposed,