Flowpad Bedienungsanleitung
If the problem should stay present after you went through this checklist, contact an official dealer of the Flowbike and
describe the problem.
7.3 Storage
Before storing, your product has to be disconnected from the power supply. The product has to be protected from dust,
moisture, coldness as well as shock-protected and stored in an room inside. If left unused, recharge the battery every
month to maintain longevity of the battery and to avoid damage. Never store the device under direct sunlight, also not in
the trunk of a car.
7.4 Repairs
Then doing maintenance, service or repairing works as well as cleaning the device, it has to be turned off and disconnected
from the power supply. The Flowbike must only be repaired with original spare parts from a licensed supplier or shop and
by a licensed mechanic. The opening, disassembly or modification of the Flowbike with non-licensed or non-original parts or
by a non-licensed person will invalid the warranty.
7.5 Transport
Always transport your product in a safe way, so injuries can be prevented. Make sure, to hold on to your device tightly, so
you won’t drop it in different conditions of transport. When transporting it in different means of transportation like car or
train, be sure to store it safely so neither the device nor the mean of transportation will be damaged.