Flowpad Bedienungsanleitung
6.2 Riding
You can select 4 different riding modes, which differ regarding speed and acceleration, to suit your level of experience. You
can change the speed while driving by pressing the acceleration lever or by activating the brakes. Make use of the bell in
order to gain the attention of other traffic members.
6.3 Braking
The Flowbike is equipped with two brakes, a front- and a rear-brake. You can activate both brakes with the brake levers on
the handle-bar. The left brake lever activates the front-brake and the right brake lever activate the rear-brake. If you press
the brake levers, the energy supply to the engine will be cut off. Please shift your bodyweight slightly backwards while
braking in order to counteract inertia. Be careful when activating the front-brake so that the device will not tip over. The
quickest way to slow down is pressing both braking levers at the same time. Only do this when necessary, since slowing
down quickly can be a safety risk. Check the braking performance before every time you use the Flowbike.