Device measures nitrate concentration per 1 kilogram of the
Harmless day dose of nitrates is 200-300 mg per one grownup
person. Therefore if you eat 2 kiligrams of a watermelon with 350 mg/kg
nitrate concentration you risk to pick up a nitrate poisoning. Remember that
normal concentration for a watermelon is 60 mg/kg. Some food stuffs as
beet, radish, dill, cabbage lettuce have high norm of nitrates. Normal concen-
tration for beet is 1400 mg/kg. If you eat such foodstuffs in large amounts
please keep in mind maximum harmless doses that were pointed earlier.
Example: You measured beet and nitrat-tester measured 1000 mg/kg nitrates
per kilo. This concentration is normal for this foodstuff and you can eat not
more than 200 grams of such beet.
Notice that there are special norms for children, because child’s organism
undergoes by nitrate poisoning much more than grownups. Harmful doses
for little children are 10-50 mg/kg.