1.1-3.3 kVA - Ref.: IOMNETRTXX0B-EN 01
This manual should be kept in a safe place near the UPS, so it can be consulted by the operator at any time for information that
may be needed regarding correct use of the unit. Read the manual carefully before connecting the unit to the a.c. mains supply and
the downstream appliances. Before the UPS is put into commission the user should be completely familiar with its operation, the
position of all the controls and the technical and functional characteristics of the unit, so as to ensure there will be no risk to people
or the appliance itself.
This is a product for commercial and industrial applications in an industrial environment – installation restrictions
or additional measures may be needed to prevent electro-magnetic interferences.
• The product you have chosen is designed for commercial and industrial use only.
In order to be used for particular “critical applications” such as life support systems, medical applications, commercial transportation,
nuclear facilities or any other application or systems where product failure is likely to cause substantial harms to person or property,
the products might require compliance with statutory regulations and standards, specific local by-laws and be adapted accordingly.
For such uses we would advise you to contact SOCOMEC UPS beforehand to confirm the ability of these products to meet the
requested level of safety, performance, reliability and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and specifications.
• Use the UPS in accordance with the technical specifications indicated in this manual.
• To meet Emergency Switch Device (ESD) operating requirements, a specific input with remote ESD/EPO function is available.
To avoid dangerous electric-shock, the UPS must be powered using a socket with protective earth connection. It is manda-
tory the use of the provided cable (ref. - CONNECTIONS).
• This earth connection will assure also the safety bonding for the appliances powered by the UPS. The manufacturer declines all
liability for any damage or accidents that could result from failure to observe the requirements.
• Should a power outage occur, do not disconnect the power cord from the mains, since this will cut the earth connection, both
for the UPS and the appliances.
• The UPS generates a leakage current of approximately 3 mA. Ensure the leakage current generated by the load is no greater
than 0.5 mA in order to be compliant with the safety standard. Should the leakage current from the load exceed this limit, directly
connect the UPS PE connection to the ground system.
• If a hazardous situation should arise at any time when the UPS is in use, isolate the unit from the power supply (by operating a
switch at the upstream PDU if possible) and switch the appliance off completely by running the shutdown procedure.
• The UPS houses a source of electrical energy, i.e. its batteries. The output of the UPS may be powered even when the appliance
is not connected to the a.c. mains supply.
• All maintenance operations must only be performed by authorised service engineers. The UPS generates high internal voltages
that could be hazardous for a maintenance operative not in possession of the appropriate skills and training for this type of work.
• Never force, break or attempt to open the batteries. These batteries are sealed, maintenance-free components containing
substances that are harmful to health and a source of environmental pollution. If liquid can be seen leaking from the battery, or a
white powdery residue is noticeable, do not switch the UPS on.
• Avoid exposing the UPS to contact with water or any liquids generally. Do not insert foreign objects into the cabinet.
• Danger of explosion if the batteries are replaced with others of the wrong type.
• Replaced batteries must be disposed of at authorised waste disposal centres.