7. Trouble shooting:
1.Unable to find AP60
s IP in E TM program.
(a)C heck if both c omputer and AP60 are at the same segme nt. Please refer to Converte r
setting (St ep 1).
(b)Close all firewalls available to prevent blocking of package sendi ng.
(c)Try defaul t IP(PING t o check if any response s when the above steps
are unable to help to find AP60. If the re is a response, enter t he defaul t IP to open
the setting page using the bro wser(IE).
(d)Check both the wiring between AP60 and the c omputer. Che ck if both are connected
with Router or Hub. User is unable to find AP60 if Hub without 1 0/10 0M SWITCH
is used. No gateway is gi ven for the fir st se tting of AP60 and user must do the setting
at the same segment whi ch re quir es a Hub with 10/100M SWITCH fun ction.
2.ETM is able to locate AP60 b ut the bro wser (IE) is unable to l ocate AP60.
(a)C lose all Proxy Server setting.
3.If virtu al IP is availa ble for AP60.
(a)E ither real or v irtua l IP t hat i s assigned to AP60 works well and it has to be a fixed
IP. A virtual IP (192.168 .xxx.xxx) is n ormally a ssigned to AP60 and user needs to
set the IP a s a fi xed IP in orde r to detec t AP 60 easily. AP60 also supports DHCP
and user needs to se t the IP as a fixed or reserved IP.
4.Se tting real IP.
(a)Use E TM program t o set real IP for AP60 under the same seg men t and set both
Gateway a nd Submask c orrectly.
5.How to use floating real IP (ADSL)?
The IP needs to accommodate with IP Router and Dynamic DNS.
(a)Apply free dynamic DNS fro m http://www.dyndns.org o r other IP Router which
supports Dyna mic DNS.
(b)Set Dynamic DNS a t IP Rout er.
(c)IP Router, therefore , sen ds a fixed virt ual I P to AP6 0 an d ma ps the port with AP60.
(d)Add one new comm unication interface in access control or time attendance soft ware.
E nter newly ap plied Dynami c DNS in the I P col umn to complete f loati ng IP sett ing.
6.Unable to li nk with access control or time attendance soft ware when AP60 is set .
There are three areas to look i nto t he problem such as (1)Device (AP60 and the
re ader), (2)Fire wall and (3)Software (Access Control System )
(a)C heck if both AP60 and readers communi cation interfa ces a re compa tible and
their switc hes are at the correct place.
(b)Check if b oth DT+ and DT wiring are at th e correct place.
(c)C heck if both AP60 power light ( blinking) and LAN light (li ght o n).
(d)Close all firewalls on the computer and router or open th e port (de fault port as 4 444
or 3333).