IP address
Disable (Set I P as reser ve d at DHCP Serve r Com if
DHCP is ac tivated )
80 (port which is used as to enter setting web page),0 (Set the c onn ection as Manual)
Su bne t mask
Ga teway address
DHCP client
So cke t port of HTTP se tup
So cke t port of seria l I/O
So cke t port of digital I/O
Interface of se rial I/O
Dervice ID
Repo rt d evice ID when
Setup password
Acce ss password
Packet mode serial input
Pac ket m ode i nt erpacket
Destination IP address /
socket port (TCP client and
UDP) Connection
Serial I/O settings(baud rate,
parity,data bits,stop bits)
TCP/IP Conv erter's IP Address
Subnet Mask(defau lt 2 55. 255.255.0)
Gateway Ad dr ess
4444,TCP Server (Select and set as TCP server)
Socket port value ranges from 1024 ~ 65535
101,UDP S et this valu e as pe rmanent as user will not
need t hi s fu nction.
ST680 sets as 9600,N,8,2
ST3000 sets as 96 00,N,8,1
ST6000 sets as 96 00,N,8,1
SF1000 set s as 9600,N,8,1
SF1000 T sets as 9 600,N,8,1
ST500A set s as 9600,N,8 ,1
Select RS 2 32 if the external reader is usin g RS 23 2
communica tion mode.
Select RS 4 85 (H alf Duplex) if the ex te rna l reader is
using RS 485 communicati on mode.
Select RS 4 85 (H alf Duplex) if TCP/IP Converter is
builti n and switch the reader to RS 485.
Setup password:
IP Address
will be disabl e
if any setup password appeared here.
' 【
Not available ( leave this space blank as it i s rese rved or
else it may n ot be a ble to connect)
(D efault value a s 1, please do not alter the value or else it
ma y not be able to connect)
Ne twork link speed
Aut o; se t as AUTO