Operation Using the RollCall Control Panel
Issue 1 Rev 4
Page 89
© 2016 SAM
5.16 RollTrack
The RollTrack screen allows information to be sent, via the RollCall™ network, to other
compatible units connected on the same network.
5.16.1 Disable All
The Disable All check box disables all RollTrack functions.
5.16.2 Index
The Index slider enables you to set up five different RollTrack outputs.
5.16.3 Source
The Source list specifies the source of the information that triggers the data transmission.
5.16.4 Address
Address enables you to select the address of the selected destination unit.
The full RollTrack address has four sets of numbers, for example, 0000:10:01*99.
The first set, 0000 in the example, is the network segment code number.
The second set, 10 in the example, identifies the enclosure/mainframe unit.
The third set, 01 in the example, identifies the slot number in the unit.
The fourth set, 99 in the example, is a user-defined number that identifies the
destination unit in a multi-unit system. This ensures that only the correct unit responds
to commands. If left at 00, an incorrectly fitted unit may respond unexpectedly.
Rolltracks can be internally looped back using address FFFF:00:00.
No RollTracks sent.
Input Present
Input is detected and valid.
Input Loss
Input is not detected.
Reference OK
Selected reference is detected and valid.
Reference Lost
Selected reference is not detected.