Regular Maintenance
4. Reinstall the reservoir cap, move the locking tab
between two notches, and tighten the locking cap-
Change Interval:
Every 250 Hours
Filter Part Number:
1. Locate the transmission oil filter (C, Figure 19) at the
rear of the battery compartment under the seat.
2. Lubricate the new filter base with a few drops of
transmission oil. Fill the filter half full of oil.
3. Clean the area around the filter base and remove the
Do NOT drain the hydraulic system oil.
4. Thread the new filter onto the filter base until the gas-
ket makes contact, then tighten 3/4 of a turn more.
NOTE: The oil will drain from the reservoir tank if the new
filter is not quickly reinstalled.
5. Run the unit for several minutes and check the trans-
mission oil level (see previous page).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use caution after changing the filter;
air in the hydraulic system may affect the responsiveness
of the control levers. Repeat step 5 until the air is out of
the system.
Cleaning the Battery and Cables
1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, negative
cable first (B, Figure 19).
2. Clean the battery terminals and cable ends with a
wire brush until shiny.
3. Reinstall the battery and reattach the battery cables,
positive cable first (see A, Figure 19)
4. Coat the cable ends and battery terminals with petro-
leum jelly or non-conducting grease.
Before you store your unit for the off-season, read the
Maintenance and Storage instructions in the Safety
Rules section, then perform the following steps:
• Disengage the PTO, set the parking brake, & remove
the key.
• Perform engine maintenance and storage measures
listed in the engine owner’s manual. This includes
draining the fuel system, or adding stabilizer to the
fuel (do not store a fueled unit in an enclosed struc-
ture - see warning).
Figure 19. Battery Compartment
A. Positive (+) Cable & Terminal
B. Negative (-) Cable & Terminal
C. Transmission Filter
D. Transmission Fill Level Mark
Be careful when handling the battery. Avoid
spilling electrolyte. Keep flames and sparks away
from the battery.
When removing or installing battery cables,
disconnect the negative cable FIRST and reconnect
it LAST. If not done in this order, the positive
terminal can be shorted to the frame by a tool.
Never store the unit (with fuel) in an enclosed,
poorly ventilated structure. Fuel vapors can
travel to an ignition source (such as a furnace,
water heater, etc.) and cause an explosion.
Fuel vapor is also toxic to humans and animals.
• Battery life will be increased if it is removed, put in a
cool, dry place and fully charged about once a
month. If the battery is left in the unit, disconnect the
negative cable.
Before starting the unit after it has been stored:
• Check all fluid levels. Check all maintenance items.
• Perform all recommended checks and procedures
found in the engine owner’s manual.
• Allow the engine to warm up for several minutes
before use.