Figure 7. Battery
A. Positive Cable & Cover
B. Negative Cable
C. Rubber Hold-Down Strap
Charge The Battery
Before attempting to operate the machine for
the first time, check the battery date. The battery date
will tell you if the battery needs to be charged.
1. Tip the seat forward to access the battery.
2. Check the top of the battery for the battery date.
3. If the battery is put into service before the battery date,
then the battery does not have to be charged.
4. If the battery is put into service after the battery date,
then the battery must be charged. See Step 5.
5. To charge the battery, follow the instructions provided by
the battery charger manufacturer as well as all warnings
included in the safety rules section of this document.
Charge the battery until fully charged (until the specific
gravity of the electrolyte is 1.250 or higher and the
electrolyte temperature is at least 60° F). Do not charge
at a rate higher than 10 amps.
• Battery acid causes severe burns. Avoid contact with
• Wear eye protection while handling the battery.
• To avoid an explosion, keep flames and sparks away
from battery, especially while charging.
• When installing battery cables, CONNECT THE
POSITIVE (+) CABLE FIRST and negative (-) cable last.
If not done in this order, the positive terminal can be
shorted to the frame by a tool.