HEX390man & HEX390digi - Operating Instructions, Installation Instructions, Wiring diagrams Sept 2015
5. Winter Mode
Y/N (default N). Winter mode shuts the system down when the
outside air temperature gets below eg 2°C. If Winter Mode is on, another menu
item will appear to allow adjustment of actual shut down temp: Range -2°C to
6. Filter Timer
Y/N (default N) – Controller counts hours run by the fan and when
filter is due for a change the display flashes with ‘Filter’. If filter timer set Y,
another menu appears allowing filter period adjustment (240 day) (range 150
- 240 days). A further menu item will appear at user level once filtered timer
timed out, allowing timer to be reset once filters are cleaned or replaced.
7. I/Side Ref Temp
(default 18°C) Range 16-24°C. This is the reference
temperature for the inside of the house, used for:
• Heating – when house temp (IS) is lower than 18°C (default) and outside
temp (OS) is lower than 12°C (default) the heater will operate (if fitted).
• Summer – when house temp (IS) is higher than 18°C (default) and outside
temp (OS) is higher than 27°C (default) the unit will shut-down.
8. O/Side Ref Temp
(default 12°C) Range 8-16°C. This is the reference
temperature for the outside air, below which heater operates (if fitted).
9. O/Side Degree Offset
(default 0°C) this allows unit to be calibrated in the
unlikely event that outside air temperature reads too high or low (adjustment
range -10°C to + 10°C).
10. I/Side Degree Offset
(default 0°C) - As above.
11. Heat P/band
(default 5°C) Range 1-7°C. Heat Proportional Band - When heater
is fitted and conditions call for its operation, heater will start heating at 20%
when OS (outside) drops to reference temp (default 12°C), and will operate at
100% when temperature has dropped by a further (default) 5°C (ie when OS is
12. Summer Temp S/down
(default 27°C) Range 25°-35°C. When OS (outside
temp) is greater than 27°C and IS (inside temp) is greater than 18°C, the
system shuts down.
13. User Sys
On/Off (default Off) - when On, user menu has option to turn system
14. Factory Reset
Y/N (default N). Yes defaults all menu items to factory default
setting, these default settings are shown in brackets above.
Heater option not available for HEXdigi-NH
Heater option not available for HEXdigi-NH
Heater option not available for HEXdigi-NH
Heater option not available for HEXdigi-NH
Digital Controller setup instructions continued on next page
Optional Attic Damper Kit.
A diverting branch can be attached to divert
the intake from the cooler outside air to the attic. Press mode and up
arrow together until ‘
Entering menus
displays, hold until ‘
Damper is on
er is off
’ displays.
Change damper? ON
’ or ‘
Change damper? OFF
’ then
displays. Use the up arrow to change between the two settings.