Control circuit board
The control circuit board monitors current from the 120VAC and smoke detector. When it
senses a continued loss of power, or a change in the current from the smoke detector, it
deploys the curtain.
The smoke detector is part of the building smoke and fire alarm system and NOT a
component of the Smoke Guard system. The smoke detecting system must be
inspected, tested, and properly maintained in accordance with the equipment
manufacturer’s guidelines.
What to do if the curtain has deployed
The curtain should only deploy if the smoke detector goes into alarm or power to the unit
is interrupted for several seconds. After the unit deploys, activating the rewind switch
rewinds the curtain temporarily. If the smoke detector is still in alarm, the unit then
redeploys. When the local smoke detector is no longer in alarm, the curtain rewinds
automatically. The door automatically closes behind a Model 400. If the unit is a Model
200, close the door manually.
If a unit deploys during a fire, notify Smoke Guard (800-574-0330) for a free service visit.
How to disconnect power to the unit
If you need to disconnect 120 VAC to the unit, hook the housing door key (provided with
the unit) around the lip of the housing door to pull it open (door opens AWAY from the
elevator) to reach the service disconnect switch.
What to do if someone walks through a deployed curtain
If someone walks through a deployed curtain, DO NOT rewind the curtain into the
housing until you realign the flexible magnetic strips to a vertically plumb orientation.
1. Turn OFF power to the unit using the switch inside the housing on the control
Holding the outside edges of the magnets near the top of the curtain, lift the
magnets off the rails. Gently pull both magnets apart to smooth out the film out
and then allow the magnets to reattach to the rails.
2. Continue in this manner working down the length of the curtain to the floor. Both
magnets should be plumb and cover the rails evenly.
3. Press the rewind switch. The curtain rewinds temporarily and then redeploys.
4. If there is any telescoping of the magnet rolls, repeat steps 1 through 4.
5. Turn ON power to the unit.
housing door
key provided
with the unit
service disconnect switch