The responsibilities of the building owner
The Smoke Guard system is considered “connected equipment” as defined in NFPA 72.
As such, the owner or a designated representative shall be responsible for inspecting,
functional testing, recording of tests, and maintaining the system. Delegation of
responsibility shall be in writing, with a copy made available to the authority having
jurisdiction under the provisions of the building code and local ordinances.
Testing frequency
Visual inspection, functional testing, and maintenance described in this manual must be
performed and recorded at intervals not longer than 6 months, more frequently where
required by the authority having jurisdiction.
Alterations and additions
Visual inspection shall ensure that there are no changes that would affect equipment
performance, such as building modifications, occupancy hazards, and environmental
effects. Smoke Guard recognized personnel must perform any alterations or additions
to your system.
System acceptance testing
Acceptance tests shall be performed after system components are added or deleted,
after any modification, repair, or adjustment to the system hardware or wiring.
Do not field paint auxiliary rails, housing, or housing door without first contacting Smoke
Guard or your installing distributor.
Do not paint housing door shut.
Painting auxiliary rails requires that you strip them of existing paint to base metal
and repaint with a spray paint, which is resistant to 300 degrees Fahrenheit, to a
maximum thickness of 0.005 inch.
After painting any of the above said components, your system must be tested