Blood and Fluid Warmer
Technical Service Pack
S E C T I O N 5
R o u t i n e M a i n t e n a n c e C h e c k l i s t s
Routine Maintenance Checklists
You may freely photocopy the checklists on the next three
pages to act as a continuing record of your routine HOTLINE® HL-90
The correct checklist to use is dependent on the choice of
protocol used for maintenance on the HOTLINE®s in your care. If
you choose to stick to the traditional distilled water recirculating
solution, you will need the first checklist. This allows for the
changing of the recirculating solution on a monthly cycle.
Otherwise, the third checklist corresponds with Smiths
Medical’s recommended protocol of having a 12-month interval
between solution changes, and using a disinfectant mixture as the
recirculating solution on a permanent basis.
In some territories, Hydrogen Peroxide may not be readily
available, or it may be that it is not included in the establishment’s
preferred protocols. If that is the case, and it is still necessary to
maintain a disinfectant recirculating solution, then the second
checklist gives the correct pattern when using Isopropyl Alcohol
solution with a 30-day replacement cycle. It is not permitted to use
the Isopropyl Alcohol solution on a 12-monthly replacement cycle
as it loses its potency much more rapidly than the recommended
Hydrogen Peroxide solution. For this reason, batches of Isopropyl
Alcohol solution (Formula 2) should ideally be freshly mixed
immediately before use.