Smithco Sand Star Zee Скачать руководство пользователя страница 23




Harmonised standards used ▪ Използвани хармонизирани стандарти ▪ Použité harmonizované normy ▪ Brugte harmoniserede standarder ▪ 

Gebruikte geharmoniseerde standaards ▪ Kasutatud ühtlustatud standardid ▪ Käytetyt yhdenmukaistetut standardit ▪ Normes harmonisées 

utilisées ▪ Angewandte harmonisierte Normen ▪ Εναρμονισμένα πρότυπα που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ▪ Harmonizált szabványok ▪ Standard 

armonizzati applicati ▪ Izmantotie saskaņotie standarti ▪ Panaudoti suderinti standartai ▪ Standards armonizzati użati ▪ Normy spójne powiązane 

▪ Normas harmonizadas usadas ▪ Standardele armonizate utilizate ▪ Použité harmonizované normy ▪ Uporabljeni usklajeni standardi ▪ 

Estándares armonizados utilizados ▪ Harmoniserade standarder som används

ANSI/OPEI B71.4:2012

BS EN ISO 13857

BS EN 349: 1993+A1:2008

Technical standards and specifications used ▪ Използвани технически стандарти и спецификации ▪ Použité technické normy a specifikace ▪ 

Brugte tekniske standarder og specifikationer ▪ Gebruikte technische standaards en specificaties ▪ Kasutatud tehnilised standardid ja 

spetsifikatsioonid ▪ Käytetyt tekniset standardit ja eritelmät ▪ Spécifications et normes techniques utilisées ▪ Angewandte technische Normen 

und Spezifikationen ▪ Τεχνικά πρότυπα και προδιαγραφές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ▪ Műszaki szabványok és specifikációk ▪ Standard tecnici e 

specifiche applicati ▪ Izmantotie tehniskie standarti un specifikācijas ▪ Panaudoti techniniai standartai ir techninė informacija ▪ Standards u 

speċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi użati ▪ Normy i specyfikacje techniczne powiązane ▪ Normas técnicas e especificações usadas ▪ Standardele tehnice 

şi specificaţiile utilizate ▪ Použité technické normy a špecifikácie ▪ Uporabljeni tehnični standardi in specifikacije ▪ Estándares y especificaciones 

técnicas utilizadas ▪ Tekniska standarder och specifikationer som används

ISO 21299                                                    ISO 3767-1

 ISO 5349-1
 ISO 5349-2

The place and date of the declaration ▪ Място и дата на декларацията ▪ Místo a datum prohlášení ▪ Sted og dato for erklæringen ▪ Plaats en 

datum van de verklaring ▪ Deklaratsiooni väljastamise koht ja kuupäev ▪ Vakuutuksen paikka ja päivämäärä ▪ Lieu et date de la déclaration ▪ 

Ort und Datum der Erklärung ▪ Τόπος και ημερομηνία δήλωσης ▪ A nyilatkozat kelte (hely és idő) ▪ Luogo e data della dichiarazione ▪ 

Deklarācijas vieta un datums ▪ Deklaracijos vieta ir data ▪ Il-post u d-data tad-dikjarazzjoni ▪ Miejsce i data wystawienia deklaracji ▪ Local e data 

da declaração ▪ Locul şi data declaraţiei ▪ Miesto a dátum vyhlásenia ▪ Kraj in datum izjave ▪ Lugar y fecha de la declaración ▪ Plats och datum 

för deklarationen

Smithco West Inc.

 200 West Poplar Avenue 

Cameron, WI 54822 USA


Signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer, holds the technical documentation and is 

authorised to compile the technical file, and who is established in the Community.Подпис на човека, упълномощен да състави 

декларацията от името на производителя, който поддържащтехническата документация и е оторизиран да изготви техническия файл 

и е регистриран в общността.Podpis osoby oprávněné sestavit prohlášení jménem výrobce, držet technickou dokumentaci a osoby 

oprávněnésestavit technické soubory a založené v rámci Evropského společenství.Underskrift af personen, der har fuldmagt til at udarbejde 

erklæringen på vegne af producenten, der er indehaveraf dokumentationen og er bemyndiget til at udarbejde den tekniske journal, og som er 

baseret i nærområdet.Handtekening van de persoon die bevoegd is de verklaring namens de fabrikant te tekenen, de technischedocumentatie 

bewaart en bevoegd is om het technische bestand samen te stellen, en die is gevestigd in het Woongebied.Ühenduse registrisse kantud isiku 

allkiri, kes on volitatud tootja nimel deklaratsiooni koostama, kes omab tehnilistdokumentatsiooni ja kellel on õigus koostada tehniline 

toimik.Sen henkilön allekirjoitus, jolla on valmistajan valtuutus vakuutuksen laadintaan, jolla on hallussaan teknisetasiakirjat, joka on valtuutettu 

laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön.Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant, 

à détenir la documentationtechnique, à compiler les fichiers techniques et qui est implantée dans la Communauté.Unterschrift der Person, die 

berechtigt ist, die Erklärung im Namen des Herstellers abzugeben, die dietechnischen Unterlagen aufbewahrt und berechtigt ist, die 

technischen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen,und die in der Gemeinschaft niedergelassen ist.Υπογραφή ατόμου εξουσιοδοτημένου για την 

σύνταξη της δήλωσης εκ μέρους του κατασκευαστή, ο οποίοςκατέχει την τεχνική έκθεση και έχει την εξουσιοδότηση να ταξινομήσει τον τεχνικό 

φάκελο και ο οποίος είναιδιορισμένος στην Κοινότητα.A gyártó nevében meghatalmazott személy, akinek jogában áll módosítania a 

nyilatkozatot, a műszakidokumentációt őrzi, engedéllyel rendelkezik a műszaki fájl összeállításához, és aki a közösségbenletelepedett 

személy.Firma della persona autorizzata a redigere la dichiarazione a nome del fabbricante, in possesso Delladocumentazione tecnica ed 

autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico, che deve essere stabilita nella Comunità.Tās personas paraksts, kura ir pilnvarota deklarācijas 

sastādīšanai ražotāja vārdā, kurai ir tehniskādokumentācija, kura ir pilnvarota sagatavot tehnisko reģistru un kura ir apstiprināta 

Kopienā.Asmuo, kuris yra gana žinomas, kuriam gamintojas suteikė įgaliojimus sudaryti šią deklaraciją, ir kuris jąpasirašė, turi visą techninę 

informaciją ir yra įgaliotas sudaryti techninės informacijos dokumentą.Il-firma tal-persuna awtorizzata li tfassal id-dikjarazzjoni f’isem il-

fabbrikant, għandha d-dokumentazzjoniteknika u hija awtorizzata li tikkompila l-fajl tekniku u li hija stabbilita fil-Komunità.Podpis osoby 

upoważnionej do sporządzenia deklaracji w imieniu producenta, przechowującej dokumentacjętechniczną, upoważnioną do stworzenia 

dokumentacji technicznej oraz wyznaczonej ds. wspólnotowych.Assinatura da pessoa com poderes para emitir a declaração em nome do 

fabricante, que possui a documentaçãotécnica, que está autorizada a compilar o processo técnico e que está estabelecida na 

Comunidade.Semnătura persoanei împuternicite să elaboreze declaraţia în numele producătorului, care deţine documentaţiatehnică, este 

autorizată să compileze dosarul tehnic şi este stabilită în Comunitate.Podpis osoby poverenej vystavením vyhlásenia v mene výrobcu, ktorá 

má technickú dokumentáciu a jeoprávnená spracovať technické podklady a ktorá je umiestnená v Spoločenstve.Podpis osebe, pooblaščene za 

izdelavo izjave v imenu proizvajalca, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo in lahkosestavlja spis tehnične dokumentacije, ter ima sedež v 

Skupnosti.Firma de la persona responsable de la declaración en nombre del fabricante, que posee la documentación técnicay está autorizada 

para recopilar el archivo técnico y que está establecido en la Comunidad.Undertecknas av den som bemyndigad att upprätta deklarationen å 

tillverkarens vägnar, innehar den tekniskadokumentationen och är bemyndigad att sammanställa den tekniska informationen och som är 

etablerad igemenskapen.

2006/42/EC Annex II 1A: 2

John Moore 

Sales, Director, Owner 

Moore Turf Care 

Thieplatz 4 

49583 Lienen Germany 


2006/42/EC Annex II 1A: 10  

Dawn Bryngelson

Technical Documentation Advisor

Smithco  Inc.

 34 West Avenue  

Wayne, PA  USA   19087-3311 


Certificate Number ▪ Номер на сертификат ▪ Číslo osvědčení ▪ Certifikatnummer ▪ Certificaatnummer ▪ Sertifikaadi number ▪ 

Hyväksyntänumero ▪ Numéro de certificat ▪ Bescheinigungsnummer ▪ Αριθμός Πιστοποιητικού ▪ Hitelesítési szám ▪ Numero del certificato ▪ 

Sertifikāta numurs ▪ Sertifikato numeris ▪ Numru taċ-Ċertifikat ▪ Numer certyfikatu ▪ Número do Certificado ▪ Număr certificat ▪ Číslo osvedčenia 

▪ Številka certifikata ▪ Número de certificado ▪ Certifikatsnummer


Содержание Sand Star Zee

Страница 1: ...Sand Star Zee Model 45 501 A March 2018 Product Support Hwy SS Poplar Ave Cameron WI 54822 1 800 891 9435 productsupport smithco com Operator s ...

Страница 2: ... Safe Practices 6 Specifications 7 Setup 8 9 Controls Instruments 10 Service 11 19 Operation 11 14 Daily Checklist 14 Service Charts 15 16 Battery 17 Quick Hitch 18 How to rake a Sand Trap 18 45 501 Wiring Schematic 19 Hydraulic Schematic 19 Other 21 23 CE Declaration 21 22 Quick Reference 23 Limited Warranty ...

Страница 3: ...lacement of engine serial number For product and accessory information help finding a dealer or to register your product please contact us at www Smithco com Information needed when ordering replacement parts 1 Model Number of machine 2 Serial Number of machine 3 Name and Part Number of part 4 Quantity of parts For easy access record your Serial and Model numbers here WARNING Failure to follow cau...

Страница 4: ...t Engine Run Engine Oil Water Temperature RPM Gasoline Diesel Glow Plug Hour Meter Hand Throttle Choke Hydraulic Oil Level Ground Speed Park Brake Park Brake Release Lift Arm Slow Moving Parts Pinch Point Hydraulic Fluid Penetration Warning Danger Caution Fast Rollover Danger Hot Surface Headlamp Seat Belt No Riders Blower ...

Страница 5: ...cted using the following guidelines DANGER Red Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that if not avoided will result in death or serious injury This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations typically for machine components which for functional purposes cannot be guarded WARNING Orange Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that if not avoided could result in death or ...

Страница 6: ...uthorized distributor or factory This is a list of decals located on the Sand Star Zee Part number description and location will help in reordering decals A 13 063 Decal Warning 25 357 Decal Smithco 25 369 Decal 84 dBA B 25 277 Decal Battery C 25 286 Decal Pinch Point D 25 298 Decal Warning Hot E 45 522 Decal Sand Star Zee F 25 354 Decal Tire Pressure 5psi G 25 356 Decal Tire Pressure 20 psi H 45 ...

Страница 7: ... storing and always remove the ignition key 11 After engine has started machine must not move If movement is evident the neutral mechanism is not adjusted correctly Shut engine off and readjust so the machine does not move when in neutral position 13 Never use your hands to search for oil leaks Hydraulic fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause serious injury 14 This machine demands y...

Страница 8: ...asoline Minimum Lubrication System Full Pressure Alternator 16 amp WHEELS TIRE 5 psi 34 bar Two 25 X 10 12 Rear Knobby Tire 20 psi 1 38 bar One 16 x 7 50 8 Front Castor SPEED Forward Speed 0 to 10 m p h 0 16 kph Reverse Speed 0 to 4 m p h 0 6 kph BATTERY Automotive Type SP 35 BCI Group Size 35 Cold Cranking Amps 375 Ground Terminal Polarity Negative Maximum Length 7 5 19 cm Maximum Width 5 12 7 cm...

Страница 9: ...will need the 7 8 clevis and bridge pin from the hard ware bag 2 The rear hitch lift arm is slid into the hitch on the back of the machine between the adjustment bolts and held in place with the 7 8 clevis and bridge pin 3 Be sure hitch lift arm is on top of the hitch lift bar and the lock and spring are on the top SEAT 1 Place the seat on the seat frame spacers 2 Plug in seat switch 3 Use four 5 ...

Страница 10: ...YDRAULIC OIL AND GREASE FITTINGS 1 Check engine oil and add as necessary See engine manual for recom mended motor oil DO NOT OVERFILL 2 Fill Gas Tanks with Unleaded 87 Octane gasoline minimum When filling the fuel tank stop when the fuel reaches 1 inch 2 54cm from the top This space is necessary for fuel expansion DO NOT OVERFILL Fuel is flammable Caution must be used when storing or handling it D...

Страница 11: ... used to lift and lower rear attachment manually G Choke Pull choke control knob up to close choke plate when starting a cold engine A warm en gine may not require choking to start H Ignition Switch The ignition switch has three positions Off Run Start I Oil Light The oil light should come on when ignition is on without engine operating The oil light will light when the oil pressure is low If oil ...

Страница 12: ... about a neutral position The neutral position is locked when the steering control levers are moved outward and the machine will stand still Move in a straight line By moving both controls an equal amount forward or backward the machine will move in a straight line forward or backward respectively To turn right while going forward Move right control lever towards the neutral position This will cau...

Страница 13: ...wer place pressure on the foot pedal place detent pin in hole for correct depth you are trying to obtain push center lift lever inward and release ped al Detent pin will stop center lift at selected depth ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC REAR LIFT 45 501 To lift and lower the rear attachments on the 45 501 use the rocker switch on the right control lever Pushing the switch up will raise the rear attachment Push...

Страница 14: the third notch on the side of the tensioner Over tightening the belt will shorten the life of the belt and the machine may not perform to the best of its ability To adjust belt tensioner loosen the bolt holding the tensioner Bring idler pulley tight to the belt and turn tensioner into belt to the third notch Us ing a pair of channel lock pliers rotate the upper half of the tensioner clockwise ...

Страница 15: ...rer Read the engine manual before operation Before servicing or making adjustments to the machine stop engine set park break block wheels and remove key from ignition DAILY CHECKLIST 1 Check park brake adjustment Adjust as required 2 Check engine oil level Add as needed DO NOT OVERFILL 3 Tire pressure should be 5 psi 0 34 bar maximum on rear tires and 20 psi 1 38 bar on the front tire 4 Inspect el...

Страница 16: ...nspect and clean the machine Every 25 hours Clean air filter 1 Check the battery fluid level and cable connections Change oil when operating under heavy load or high ambient temperatures Every 50 hours Replace engine oil filter Check muffler and spark arrestor Every 100 hours Replace engine oil filter Every 250 hours Change air filter Check tire pressure 5 psi Rear 20 psi Front Torque the wheel lu...

Страница 17: Switch Check Steering Operation Check the fuel level Check the engine oil level Clean the air filter Clean the engine cooling fins Check for unusual engine noises Check the hydraulic oil level Check hydraulic hoses and fittings for damage Check for fluid leaks Check the tire pressure Check the Instrumentation Inspect electrical system for frayed wires Check park brake adjustment Change oil fil...

Страница 18: when electrolyte is added 4 Avoid spilling or dripping electrolyte Battery Electrolyte is an acidic solution and should be handled with care If electrolyte is splashed on any part of your body flush all contact areas imme diately with liberal amounts of water Get medical attention immediately JUMP STARTING Use of booster battery and jumper cables Particular care should be used when connecting a...

Страница 19: ... same general direction and look attractive Enter bunker at its lowest point Perhaps drain area or another point where lip of the trap is minimal Operate at 2 4 m p h 3 6 5 kph for best raking results Control speed with hydraulic pedal Once fully inside bunker lower rear rake and proceed forward as described above First pass should be directly down center of trap This helps avoid extremely sharp t...


Страница 21: ...19 Reference PARTS MANUALS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT smithco com NOTES ...

Страница 22: ...ore mesuré Gemessener Schalldruckpegel Σταθμισμένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος Mért hangteljesítményszint Livello di potenza sonora misurato Izmērītais skaņas jaudas līmenis Išmatuotas garso stiprumo lygis Livell tal Qawwa tal Ħoss Iggarantit Moc akustyczna mierzona Nível sonoro medido Nivelul măsurat al puterii acustice Nameraná hladina akustického výkonu Izmerjena raven zvočne moči Nivel de potencia...

Страница 23: ... kellel on õigus koostada tehniline toimik Sen henkilön allekirjoitus jolla on valmistajan valtuutus vakuutuksen laadintaan jolla on hallussaan teknisetasiakirjat joka on valtuutettu laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant à détenir la documentationtechnique à compiler les fichiers techniques ...

Страница 24: ...r 18 462 Oil Drain Valve 45 520 01 Engine Air Cleaner Cartridge Filter 45 520 02 Foam Filter for Air Cleaner 45 527 01 Hydro Filter FLUIDS Engine Oil Refer to Engine Manual Hydraulic Fluid 1 75 Gallon of Parker Dura Clean Hydraulic Oil or equivalent of AW32 minimum hydraulic oil OTHER PARTS Spark Plug RC12YC Gap 0 030 inch 0 76mm ...

Страница 25: ...d the Product as soon as you believe a warrantable condition exists and not later than 30 days from discovery of the condition If you need help locating an Authorized Smithco Distributor or if you have questions regarding your warranty rights or responsibilities you may contact us at Smithco Product Support Department 200 West Poplar Ave Cameron Wisconsin 54822 Telephone 800 891 9435 E Mail Produc...

Страница 26: ...ts through repair or replacement by an authorized Smithco distributor or dealer is the purchaser s sole remedy for any defect This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE SET FORTH ABOVE ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION O...
