SMITH Manufacturing 1-954-941-9744 www.SmithMfg.com
VERSION 11/2016
SMITH Manufacturing 1-954-941-9744 www.SmithMfg.com
BeaRIng RePlaceMent
Before reading ahead go back and follow
the instructions on how to remove the drum
and drive belt from the machine. Bearing
replacement is easy and requires a few
additional hand tools.
1. 17 mm socket or wrench
2. 9/16” socket or wrench
3. adjustable wrench up to 1.5”
4. 7/32” Hex Key
Before beginning servicing on any
propane-powered unit,
DISconnect SPaRK PlUg WIRe!
1. With the side plate off the machine, use a
wrench to lock the rotation of the shaft.
Using the 9/16” socket, remove the screw
that locks down the pulley to the shaft.
2. With the shaft rotation still locked, use a
7/32” hex key to remove the 2 set screws on
the drive pulley (a). once they are removed,
insert one of them into the hole directly on
top of the keyway to back out the bushing
as shown below (B).
4. With the bearing housing assemblies
aside, they can now be taken apart to
replace the bearings as needed using the
circlip pliers.
3. With the Pulley removed, use the 17 mm
socket or wrench to remove the bearing housing
assembly from the frame and from the side plate .