Application, general functions and intended use
This dishw asher is int ended for professional use in t he rest aurant and inst it ut ional cat ering sect or and
complies w it h t he relevant safet y regulat ions. How ever, misuse may cause injury and/ or damage, and
t herefore t he dishw asher must only be used by suit ably t rained st aff.
This dishw asher is designed for use in non-mobile premises and is int ended only for w ashing cut lery and
dishes (plat es, ovenw are, cups, glasses, bow ls, et c.) st able at t he t emperat ure and humidit y generated by
t he appliance. Any ot her t ype of use is not perm it t ed and may be dangerous.
Persons w hose physical, sensory or ment al capabilit ies, inexperience or lack of know ledge render t hem
unable t o use t he dishw asher safely must not use it w it hout t he supervision and guidance of a responsible
The manufact urer is not liable for any injury or damage caused by failure t o com ply w it h t he inst ruct ions
given in t his manual, misuse, t ampering w it h even a single part of t he appliance, or t he use of non-genuine
spare part s.
Name and address of manufacturer or distributor
Smeg S.p.A.
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 4 - 42016 Guast alla (RE) Tel. +39 0522 8211 - Fax + 39 0522 821453
Int ernet : w w w .smegfoodservice.com, email: [email protected]
Our Sales Depart ment st aff w ill be able t o provide you w it h informat ion about prices and special offers.
Our Aft er-Sales Depart ment w ill be able t o provide you w it h guidance about keeping your device
funct ioning correct ly and put you in t ouch w it h your nearest aut horised Service Cent re. Our ent ire product
offering can be view ed at our w ebsit e.
Declaration of conformity to product standards
This appliance com plies w it h t he relevant safet y regulat ions and conforms t o t he requirement s of direct ives
2006/ 42/ EC and 2004/ 108/ EC.
The dishw asher is also marked in compliance w it h European Direct ive 2002/ 96/ EC on Wast e Elect rical and
Elect ronic Equipment (WEEE).
For informat ion on t he t reat ment , recovery and recycling of t his product , cont act t he local
aut horit y, domest ic w ast e collect ion service, or your Smeg reseller.
M ake sure t hat t his product is scrapped correct ly t o safeguard t he environment and healt h.