Initial issue December, 2010
Dear Customers
Thank you for selecting SMC THERMODRYER.
This opertion manual must be read and understood throughoutly before handling this product. It provides all
essential information for maximizing product operating efficiency, as well as, for safe and longer life span
For safety operation of SMC THERMODRYER, read thoroughly and follow stated safety instructions, as
well as regulation stated within ISO 4414
& JIS B 8370
*1) I S O 4414: P ne um at i c f l ui d power – Rec om m endat i ons f or t he appl i c at i on of
pr oduc t t o t r an sm i ssi on and c o nt r ol sy st em s.
*2) J I S B 8370: Pneumatic fluid power – General rules relating to systems
This manual explains about installation and operation of the product. Only those who have thorough
understanding of the fundamental operating procedure or have basic knowledge and skills of handling
industrial product for the installation and operation of the product are qualified to perform installation and
The contents of the operation manual and the other documents attached to the product cannot become a
part of the contract clause or cannot change and modify existing agreements, promises, and relationship.
Any statements contained in this operation manual cannot be newly guaranteed and modify existing
guarantee certificate.
You are not allowed to copy any part of this operation manual for usage of third person without informing it
to us beforehand.
Note: The contents of this operation manual are subjected to change without prior notice.