SMC Model 1026 Engineering Specification
Rev. 100812
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Barrier Flanges for Recessing Through Two Walls - Stainless Steel Flanges shall be
provided to fully enclose the “clean” and “soiled” ends of the unit from wall to wall and
floor to finished ceiling.
40.10 Aesthetic Side Enclosure - A stainless steel enclosure with access door(s) shall be provided
to enclose the service and component side of the unit from the floor to the top of the unit.
This enclosure shall be type 304 stainless steel, with #3 finish, and shall be fully insulated.
40.11 Treatment Solution pH Neutralization System: Monitored - A monitored proportional
system shall be provided to automatically inject user supplied neutralization agent into the
sump to neutralize acidic solutions before discharge to drain to conform to plumbing code
requirements. A probe shall sense the pH of the treatment solution and a proportional
amount of agent shall be injected to attain a neutral pH. A low agent reservoir level shall be
annunciated to the operator.
40.12 Seismic Restraints - Properly designed and attached seismic restraints shall be provided to
comply with local codes.
40.13 Remote Access Programming Capable - A modem shall be included in the modular PLC
package to provide for Direct Factory Accessible Programming. This option shall allow
trained SMC technicians to directly access the programming of the machine from a
remote location for changes or diagnostic purposes. A dedicated phone line shall be
provided by the owner if this option is selected.
40.14 Integral Air Compressor - An integral air compressor shall be provided to operate the drive
and pneumatic valves. This option shall be chosen whenever compressed air is not available
from building utilities.
40.15 Special Spray Configurations - Sprays shall be provided in various special configurations in
order to adequately clean any troublesome items in the owner's inventory.
40.16 Special Cabinet Size - Cabinet shall be supplied in the exact shape and size specified to suit
the owner's special needs.
40.17 Low Steam Pressure - The unit shall be designed for a steam pressure below 30 PSI. All
coils, valves, pipes and other devices shall be sized to operate under the conditions specified.
40.18 Vent Condenser - A condensing apparatus shall be provided to remove much of the vapor
from the exhaust, in the event that the owner's air-handling system cannot accept the
saturated air, which must be removed from the cabinet. This condenser shall cool the
effluent vapors by utilizing customer-supplied cold water.
40.19 Electric Heat - Stainless Steel electric immersion heaters shall be installed in the machine
sump to provide temperature boost in lieu of steam heat.