SMC Model 1026 Engineering Specification
Rev. 100812
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internal steam piping
stainless steel
external steam piping
schedule 40 black iron
temperature booster
304 SS
drain piping
304 SS
barrier walls
20 gauge, 304 SS - #3 finish
Optional Features
Knock-Down Shipment - Machine shall be provided in knocked-down condition, all pieces
to pass through a standard man-door, for reassembly at the customer's site. Design shall
allow for minimal welding; cabinet panels shall be flanged and bolted together. No special
lifting equipment of any kind shall be required.
Printer - A tractor-feed printer with integral paper take-up shall be supplied to document
each cycle, phase, time, temperature and alarm. At the discretion of the customer, this
printer may be remotely mounted and connected by a serial interface.
Exhaust Fan – An exhaust fan shall be provided to work in concert with the automatic
damper and provide adequate ventilation in applications where the existing building air
handling systems are inadequate. Fan construction shall be of 100% corrosion-free
Pass-Through Operation - Machine shall be provided with a door at each end for operation
within a clean/dirty room environment.
Door Interlocks - Doors shall be provided with pneumatically-operated door locks arranged
such that the two doors can never be open at the same time, thus preventing passage of
contaminated material from one side to the other.
Steam/Hot Water Temperature Booster – A stainless steel plate-type steam heat exchanger
shall be provided to boost the customer's water temperature from 120 degrees F. to 180
degrees F. This option shall decrease the amount of time required for in-sump heating of
temperature-guaranteed rinse water. Cast iron, helical coil or shell-and-tube type heat
exchangers, or any design utilizing non-stainless steel parts, shall not be acceptable.
Discharge Cooling: Monitored - Washer effluent shall be conducted to a stainless steel
holding tank. A probe shall sense the discharge temperature and add the required amount of
cold water from the owner's supply to lower the discharge temperature to below 140 F
before discharging to the building drain system. The entire system shall be under the
supervision of the machine PLC control.
Barrier Flanges for Recessing Through One Wall - Stainless Steel Flanges shall be provided
to fully enclose the recessed end of the unit from wall to wall and floor to finished ceiling.