2017 SMARTfit, Inc. • www.smartfitinc
Game Number: 2: Knock the Lights Out - Keep 3 On
Lower 4 rows (7 targets)
Game Number: 3: Knock the Lights Out - Keep 3 On
Middle 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 4: Knock the Lights Out - Keep 3 On
Upper 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 5: Knock the Lights Out - Keep 3 On
Lower 2 rows (4 targets)
Game Suite: N
Name: Pairing
Game Rules:
The game starts with all targets loaded with a different color but turned off.
Only two targets have the same color.
Objective is to only knock out the targets that are a pair to earn 100 points.
The system refreshes, a successful sound is heard and another pair must be found.
If an incorrect pair is selected, "uh ooooh" is heard and the system refreshes and a point is
deducted. Negative scores are possible.
Continue play seeking out as many pairs as possible within the time set.
Game ends when time runs out.
Score reflects the number of pairs found less the points taken for mistakes.
Game Number: 1
All Targets
Game Number: 2: Pairing - Numbers
All Targets
Game Number: 3: Pairing - ABC
All Targets
Game Number: 4: Pairing - Shapes - All Targets
Game Number: 5: Pairing - Dice - All Targets
Game Number: 6: Pairing - Symbols - All Targets
Game Suite: O
Name: Memory
Game Rules:
The game starts with all targets loaded with a different color but turned off.
There are enough pairs for an even number of targets and if applicable an odd target would
have no mate.
Objective is to only knock out the targets that are a paired as quickly as possible.
When all the pairs are found, the game ends, and a time is displayed as your score.
If an incorrect pair is selected, "uh ooooh" is heard and the system refreshes and a point is
deducted. Negative scores are possible.
Game ends when all pairs are found
Score reflects how fast the pairs of colors were found.