2017 SMARTfit, Inc. • www.smartfitinc
Chapter 3
System Start-up, Settings, and Operation
The system CPU
The system CPU houses the systems controller, electronic boards, sound system, speakers, time
clock, scoreboard, touch key interface for making game and systems selections, and the power
Power On/Off
The on/off switch is located on the left side of the CPU near the power connect cord. When
powering on, the system will take 30 seconds to check that all components are working properly.
Please DO NOT TOUCH any part of the system during this check or your system will display an
error message. If this occurs, simply turn the system off, wait for 10 seconds, then restart.
User Name
The user name is used to access the SUITE button to create a program lesson design.
The scoreboard displays up to four digits of score.
Time Clock
The time clock displays 4 digits of time including tenths during the final ten second countdown
of a game.
The system 16-digit alpha numeric interface and keypad
The system Interface provides a line of information that is used to navigate the system options.
The system keypad is used to make selections to customize the system for use as well as select
games and tailor them. The keypad has five Set Up buttons:
: for configuring the system and entering systems options.