USING RS-232 CONTROL (continued)
Command Mode: allows raw commands to be sent to the MXCORE 32x32 to control its various functions
without the use of a menu or prompt. This mode is intended for advanced use only.
There are two types of commands that you can issue the MXCORE32X32:
Commands with CHECKSUM <CHK> begin with //
Commands without CHECKSUM begin with \\
For a complete list of HEX commands used for switching your Smart-AVI Matrix see:
232 Control And Integration With Third Party Software User Manual
A. Sending commands with CHECKSUM:
1. To set a video crosspoint:
Ex. to set video input 3 to output 12 on a router with the default frame
address “0” send the command: //F00M12I03<0x42><CR>
2. To broadcast an input to all outputs:
Ex. to broadcast input 3 to all outputs, send the command: //F00B0402<CR>
3. To set RS-232 crosspoint:
4. To disconnect RS-232 crosspoint:
*A new method is to disconnect all:
5. To set new frame address:
6. To query crosspoints from PC:
If all outputs are connected to input 1 then a 4x4 Matrix will respond with:
The router will send back one byte for each output and the string ends with a <CR>. The first byte
sent is Out#1. In the example above, since there are 5 bytes total, we know that there are 4
To calculate the input number, the router sends the input number with the 7th bit set.
o 0x80 = “1000 0000” >> input 0
o 0x81 = “1000 0001” >> input 1
o …0x8F “1000 1111” >> input 15
7. To reboot the processor:
8. To restore the matrix to factory defaults:
You must cycle matrix’s power after this command.
9. To change data switching mode to RS-232 (user sets data xpoints)
10. To change data switching mode to IR (data follows last switch to
any input)
11. To query version number: