The MOD 7 system is one of the easiest systems to operate.
The Managaer/Operator of the sound booth should review
the operation instructions to assure that emergency func-
tions are also understood in the unlikely event of an
equipment failure.
The sound engineer who installed the sound system has
provided a way to apply power to the system through a
master power switch or circuit breaker. Also, several of the
individal components in the equipment rack have their
own power switches. Become familiar with all switches or
breakers that control power to the sound equipment.
The MOD 7 is equipped with a power up muting circuit
that allows time for the low level circuits to stabilize before
enabling the processor outputs. This circuit prevents a
“turn-on thump” from being passed to the auditorium
speakers. However, since most amplifiers are not equipped
with a comparable muting circut for the power down
sequence, it is recommended that the amplifiers be turned
off before the processor to avoid a “turn-off thump” in the
It is likely that the sound system will be turned on before
the arrival of the first audience of the day. The MOD 7
powers up in Music mode. If the music player (CD player
or tape machine) is running, music will be heard in the
auditorium and on the booth monitor. Music may also be
selected by pressing the front panel MUSIC button.
The automation should be set to select the proper formats
when needed. However, any format may be overriden by
simply pushing one of the Format buttons located on the
front of the MOD 7.
The front panel FADER control is used to set the system
level for any format. The system was calibrated with the
at the one o’clock position, which is where most
prints will play at a normal level.
The music level should have been preset by the installer of
the sound system. However, if any change in music level is
desired then the LM (Left) and RM (Right) music level
controls can be turned to change the overall volume level.
These trimpots are located behind the front panel on the
right front of the main circuit board. The front panel is
mounted on hinges and latched by magnets, so a light tug
on the top of the panel should open it for access.
The MOD 7 contains an emergency bypass system that will
keep the sound on the screen in the event of a failure of the
processor. This special circuitry is activated by the BYPASS
switch, which is located behind the front panel on the front
right of the main circuit board. The switch is bright red, and
switching it to the right puts the system in BYPASS, to the
left is NORMAL mode. During BYPASS, sound is pro-
duced only through the Center channel.
uses the same preamp circuitry as normal opera-
tion. The power is supplied simultaneously by the main
supply and a small backup power pack. In the unlikely
event of preamp circuitry failure, the backup system may
not function. If this happens, please contact your service
technician or call the SMART factory.
EX Format
The EX function (activated by the button on the front panel)
applies special processing to the Left Surround and Right
Surround channels in DIGITAL format. This process
extracts the Center Surround (REAR) channel. If your
system is equipped for EX playback, SMART recommends
keeping EX turned on all the time.
If your cinema is NOT equipped to play in EX format, then
make sure to keep the EX format turned off.