SOS,A,,13510905992# means to set the second number
SOS,A,,,13510905993# means to set the third number
If the setting is successful, the terminal will reply
6.3 Delete SOS Numbers
To delete a specific SOS number, you can send query command to check its
corresponding serial number and then send command to delete it.
Any mobile could send the following command to delete a specific SOS number;
SOS,D,serial NO.1,serial NO.2,serial NO.3#
“D” means to delete the number
SOS,D,1# means to delete the first number
SOS,D,3# means to delete the third number
SOS,D,1,3# means to delete the first and third numbers.
If you do not remember the serial number, please use the following command;
SOS, D, mobile number#
, which means to delete the mobile number directly.
If the setting is successful, the terminal will reply
6.4 Query parameter settings
Query parameter command format:
The returned information is as follows;
IMEI: 353419037523839---IMEI number of the device;
Timezone:E,8,0; -----the setting of time zone and the default is E8;
SOS Number: 13510905991,13510905992,13527852360;----SOS numbers, maximum
3 numbers, used for alarm.
SENSOR:10; 180;-----sensor detection time(default as 10s) and vibration alarm delay
(default as 180s, the range is 10-300s);
SENDS:2;-----the time before GPS enters sleep mode, the default is 2 minutes.(When
ACC is off for 2mins, GPS will enter sleep mode for power-saving.)
SVL:M;-----vibration sensitivity, default as M (L for Low, M for Middle, H for High)
ALARM:10;-----When ACC is off for 10mins, device will activate defense status. The
range is 1-60 minutes, and the default is 10 minutes.
TIMESET:20;----- When ACC is off and alarm happened, GPS will start to send GPS
data for 20mins. The range is 1-999minutes, and the default is 20