SmartSystem Unipersonale Srl headquarter is located in Via del Commercio, 22E, 61032
FANO(PU), ITALY. SmartSystem main brand and all the other brands associated with it are
property of SmartSystem Srl Unipersonale.
Your SmartSystem equipment is guaranteed against any manufacturing or material defects
for 12 months from the date of delivery to the customer.
Warranty will cover any functioning issues related to manufacturing or material faults. In
this case, the company reserves the right to decide whether eliminating the defect or
providing the customer with a new product.
Any claims due to manufacturing or materials faults must be communicated by the
customer, upon presentation of the warranty card, properly completed, or of a proof of
purchase. The warranty, which will expire after 12 months, will not be extended either by a
complaint, or by subsequent executions.
Damage caused by accident, misuse, do-it-yourself repairs or modification, repair by
unauthorised service centre, static charges or mechanical damages is not covered by the
Furthermore, warranty won't be valid neither in case the warranty card is arbitrarly
modified.Repairs must be made only by authorized service centres.Always request the
RMA number before sending us the product.