Technical Information
Transport Requirements
SMA Solar Technology AG
2 Transport Requirements
2.1 Freight-forwarding Company
Transport and unloading is coordinated by a freight-forwarding company. Normally, the freight-forwarding
company will arrange a day for delivery and unloading with the site management two weeks prior to the
planned delivery date.
2.2 Ambient Conditions
The transport route within the PV farm must be designed in such a way that the MV station can be transported
by a semi-trailer. The semi-trailer weighs 60 t with a length of 16 m, a width of 3 m, a height of 5 m and a
ground clearance of 0.25 m. At its final destination, the surface must be dry,solid and even.
The concrete station is lifted off the semi-trailer and set down on the foundation by a crane. The pivoting radius
of the crane is 7 m. The semi-trailer must be positioned as indicated in the following graphic.
If the ambient conditions cannot be fulfilled, it may be necessary to use a larger crane. The final crane size is
determined via a visit to the site.
max. 7,000
max. 7,000
Semi-trailer with MV station
Alternative position for semi-
trailer with MC station