SM Pro Audio EP84 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание EP84

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Страница 2: and Polari ation Ne4er de eat t e products po er grounding 3eans Power Cord Protection Po er supp cords s ou d be connected or p aced in a as ion t at cou d a o possib e e8posure to da3age Take care to a4oid ear and tear1 rubbing1 s uas ing1 etc Cleaning T e product s ou d be c eaned on it a so t c ot 7o not use an corrosi4e products on t e unit Inactivity T e po er cord o t e product s ou d b...

Страница 3: ...a4ai ab e SPR8WWA O0EBO0D 7ear Custo3er1 Xirst 1 e ou d ike to t ank ou or purc asing our FP84 3u ti c anne 3icrop one pre a3p i ier Yit 3uc t oug t and e ort1 our engineers a4e de4e oped a product e kno ou i be satis ied it Ye a a s guarantee ou unco3pro3ising ua it as e as e8ce ent audio properties at an a ordab e price P ease read t is 3anua t oroug to best understand t e sa et and operationa p...

Страница 4: ...ndependent S88 rotar prea3p i ier gain contro s N 4 2 Wndependent S88 20dJ PA7 s itc es N 4 3 Wndependent S88 p anto3 po er L484 s itc es N 4 4 Wndependent S88 80QR o cut S ig pass i ter s itc es 8 4 5 Wndependent S88 p ase re4ersa s itc es 8 4 6 Wndependent S88 peak indicator LF7 s 8 J APPLICATION 8 5 1 Penera use o t e FP84 8 5 3 PR8WWA Uptiona A7AT output 3odu e P M SPECI ICATIONS 1Q Mic Wnputs...

Страница 5: ...s1 etc 2 TKE DESILN 2 1 High quality components and design T e p i osop be ind SM Pro Audio products guarantees a no co3pro3ise circuit design and au t to erant co3ponent se ection A SM Pro Audio products go t roug a rigorous p anning and production procedure ro3 start to inis 2 2 Inputs and outputs A inputs and outputs are secured ir3 to t e e8terior c assis ousing t us ensuring robust ua it and ...

Страница 6: ...n igure t e unit according To connect t e FP84 to our 3ains po er source si3p connect t e inc uded stan dard WFC 3ains po er cab e to t e FP84 s t ree S3 pin po er connector socket Power on off switch LED power indicator T e FP84 s po er s itc can be ound on t e rig t and side o t e ront pane To enab e po er to t e FP84 or kturn onf si3p p ace t e po er onco s itc into t e do n position T e LF7 po...

Страница 7: ...Zust3ent o t e desired pre a3p i ier e4e 60dJ o 4ariab e gain is a4ai ab e per c anne C ock ise rota tion increases t e gain1 ereas anti c ock ise rotation decreases t e gain Always begin using the EP84 with all gain controls set to the minimum value This way you can increase each channel gain gradually to the desired level with out experiencing possible unwanted and unexpected loud signal surpris...

Страница 8: ...ns and a distorted perceived overall quality of the sound This is especially of concern when recording two microphones within close proximity In this instance activating the phase reverse switch on one of the microphone channels will help avoid phase can cellation issues The phase reverse switch is also extremely handy when used to correct inverted XLR pin wiring configurations 4 6 Independent 8x ...

Страница 9: ...tus as henab edf Yit t e c anne gain set to 3ini3u31 raise t e rotar gain contro s o to reac t e desired input e4e A good input e4e i i u3inate t e peak LF7 brie on 4er strong input signa s on Continuous peak LF7 i u3ination indicates an o4er oaded distorted signa and s ou d be adZusted according to a 3ore appropriate e4e W a continuous o4er oaded c anne s input gain cannot be reduced su icient it...

Страница 10: ...47n Min sensiti4it C 35dJ Peak input e4e C L32 dJ AUDIO INSERTS T peC ef TRS insert connector OUTPUT ConnectorC ef TS Zack1 dLR T peC unba anced1 ba anced W3pedanceC 600 U 3s Peak output e4e C L23dJ Xre uenc responseC 20QR 20nQR 0dJ 0 5dJ 7istortionC 0 005o ScNC p 105dJ Crossta k reZectionC p120dJ q1nQRr 20dJ input Ma8 PainC 60dJ POWER T peC Wnterna 1104 2204 SM Pro Audio is constant stri4ing to 3...

Страница 11: ...t e arrant period T is arrant does not app i t e product as been da3aged b neg igence1 non aut oriRed 3od i ications1 accident1 abuse1 3isuse1 3isapp ication1 or as a resu t o unaut oriRed ser4ice ot er t an per or3ed b t at o SM Pro Audio s ser4ice depart3ent A reig t c arges incurred or transport o Zusti ied arrant c ai3s are at t e bu erss e8pense A ot er arrant c ai3s ot er t an t ose indicate...

Страница 12: ...T is arrant does not co4er de ects o parts caused b nor3a operationa ear T ese parts are t pica s itc es1 knobs1 and ot er si3i ar co3ponents Product da3age caused b t e o o ing conditions are not co4ered b t is arrant C Uperation o t e unit in a a t at does not co3p it t e sa et regu ations app icab e in t e countr ere t e product is used 7a3ages or de ects caused b conditions be ond t e contro o...

Страница 13: ...ct to c ange it out notice ALL RWPQTS RFSFRVF7 t 2006 SM Pro Audio SM Pro Audio Ser4ice 7epart3ent Yare ouse 25 Roberna Jusiness Park 26 28 Roberna St Moorabbin 3189 Me bourne1 Victoria Austra ia PQ L61 3 9555 8081 XAd L61 3 9555 8083 14 Legal Notice ...
