V 1.10 11/14/2018
other and cause the nose to be offset to
one side. If this happens, use a razor saw
to make partial cuts through the 1/4"
longerons on the side resistant to
bended. Make enough cuts to gain
symmetry between the sides.
Note the lack of symmetry between the
right and left fuselage sides and the angle
of F1 to the centerline.
Cuts were made in the right side
longerons and the sides were brought
into symmetry and F1 is now square with
the centerline.
Block the fuselage in place over a straight
reference line and check for alignment
and level before gluing in any of the
formers F1
Sight down the fuselage and check for
symmetry of the sides and that fin is
perpendicular. Once satisfied, use thin CA
to tack the formers in place. Use a good
quality wood glue, like Deluxe Materials
Aliphatic Resin, to reinforce all joints
between the formers and fuselage sides.