Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Shanghai Slamtec Co., Ltd.
Connect to Computer
Wired Connection
According to the requirements from actual application development, we have
designed a RJ45 Ethernet port on the extended platform of Athena. Therefore,
user can directly connect Athena to PC via network cable for extension or further
Wireless Connection
To help our user test Athena and meet the requirements in future actual
application scenarios, Athena also supports wireless connection. User can connect
to the SSID of Athena with a computer and then connect to Athena with its default
IP address In addition, user can use our Web Portal tool to distribute
a specific IP address for Athena and use it for connection.
Debug Tools
RoboStudio graphical tool is used for testing and controlling Athena. Please
download it from our official website as below:
In the same page, we also provide a document to introduce the usage of this tool.
Web Portal Tool
During developing, testing and controlling the SLAMTEC robtots like Athena, our
users can do many things to our robot via the Web Portal tool, such as checking
basic information,upgrading firmware and configuring WiFi. (Default username:
. Default password:
Our Web Portal currently supports the following features:
Check the information of the robot;
Restart the SLAMWARE module;
Upgrade firmware
Slamtec provides Athena firmware renewal and upgrade regularly. Our users can
upgrade firmware via the Web Portal tool. Please ask for the latest firmware from
our support engineers or sales representatives. The upgrade progress lasts for
5~10 minutes and the buzzer beeps during the upgrade process.