SkyTrac Systems Ltd.
Document Rev. 02.010
Page 7 of 26
Restricted Proprietary and Confidential Information
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All system interconnect cables must be connected
before power is applied to the system.
4.1 Installation Requirements
When installing the ISAT-100 the installer must have a working knowledge of aircraft
electronics installation, and be a holder of either an FAA Repairman’s Certificate or a
Transport Canada equivalent. All installations should meet the requirements of FAA
advisory circular AC43.13-1B.
4.2 Unpacking and Inspecting
4.2.1 Identifying Your ISAT
If the ISAT has a MOD AB Label, then this installation manual applies to the ISAT. If
the ISAT does not have a MOD AB label, please use the version of this manual
appropriate for your ISAT.
4.2.2 Equipment Packing Log
Save the original shipping container in case of need for return due to damage or
warranty claims. Check that each item listed on the packing slip has been shipped in
the container. Verify and record the IMEI Number of the ISAT-100. This information is
required when contacting SkyTrac Systems to activate the satellite communications
4.3 Overview
The main tasks for this installation are listed below:
1. Check the contents of the installation kit (P/N 010000-2) against those listed in
Section 4.4 of this manual.
2. Determine the approximate location of the ISAT-100, combination GPS/Passive
Iridium antenna.
Factors to be considered to determine install location include
maximum antenna coax lengths and minimum distance between
existing GPS and ISAT-100 combination antenna.
If ISAT-100 is to be installed near an active INMARSAT terminal
or if the aircraft that the ISAT-100 is installed in operates near an
active INMARSAT terminal please see Appendix B.
3. Mount the ISAT-100.
4. Mount the ISAT-100 combination antenna.
5. Route the coax cables for Iridium and GPS antenna signals to the ISAT-100
combination antenna.
The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed version.