17. Fit the aluminum tube in the wings and assemble the wing halves
to check for a good fit. Sand or adjust the root ribs as necessary so
there are no gaps.
18. Apply masking tape around the root ribs of each wing half in
order to keep epoxy from getting on the wing when the wings are
21. Once the epoxy has cured, locate the leading edge wing dowels
by using the enclosed template. Using a hobby knife, cut two 1/4”
holes in the front of the template at the molded locations.
22. Place the template onto the fuselage so the crease is facing up.
Make sure it is flush against the wing saddle and with the front dowel
mounting plate. Mark the location of the wing dowel holes. Be care-
ful not to flex the template when marking the hole or the wing will not
align correctly.
Wing Joining
19. Apply a light coat of 30 min epoxy to one half of the wing tube
and slide into one wing half. Apply epoxy to the other end of the tub
and to both root ribs.
20. Join the wing halves, making sure that they are parallel and there
are no gaps. Wipe off any excess epoxy with denatured alcohol.
Secure the wing halves with masking tape and set aside to dry.