The safety notions were elaborated to guide and instruct properly the users of the
equipments and the ones responsible for their maintenance.
The equipment must only be delivered to user in good usage conditions, being him /
her instructed regarding its use and safety by the Vendor. The user must only use the
equipment after complete knowledge regarding the care that must be taken, READING
4.1 Basic Operational Practices
4.1.1 Dangers
Some parts of the electrical startling, present points or terminals with presence of high
tension. These, when touched, can cause serious electrical shocks or even DEATH of user.
Never handle any manual command (buttons, keys, electrical switches, etc.) with wet
hands, shoes or clothes. The lack of observance to this recommendation can cause serious
electrical shocks or even DEATH of user.
4.1.2 Cautions
The user must know the location of the ON / OFF Switch in order to be able to start it at
any moment without needing to search for that. Before any maintenance, disconnect the
equipment from the electrical outlet (unplug the cable from the power outlet).
Use the equipment where there is enough physical room to handle it with safety, avoiding
dangerous falls.
Water or oil must turn the floor slippery and dangerous. To avoid accidents, the floor must
be dry and clean.
If the operation needs to be done by one or more people, signals of coordination must be
given at each step of the operation. The following step must not initiate unless a signal has
been given and responded.
4.1.3 Warnings
In case of shortage of electrical power, turn off the ON / OFF Switch immediately.
Use only recommended or equivalent oils or greases.
- Avoid electrical shocks, as they may cause failure or bad functioning.
- Avoid that water, dirt or dust go inside the mechanical or electrical components of the
If any item from the GENERAL SAFETY NOTIONS does not apply to your product,
please disregard it.
4. General Safety Notions