If the driving range at the course you’re playing has been mapped, you can view the distance to each
driving range target. To view the driving range targets, open the “Hole Button” and select “DR”.
Shot Tracking: Your SkyCaddie SX550 can track each shot you play; which clubs you used, how far you hit
them, and where you hit them from. Track your round, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and find out
which clubs are helping or hurting your game. Just WiFi Sync and use the in-depth tools to explore your
round in detail at SkyGolf 360.
Green Distance: To quickly view detailed information on the hole in play including distances to the Front,
Center and Back of the Green, press on the Green distance number in the top right of your screen. This
distance is ‘as the crow flies’ or direct to the hole and does not take target location into account.
Mark Ball: The Mark Ball feature of your SkyCaddie SX550 calculates your shot distance. To use, tap the Mark
Ball icon, then press the “Mark” icon before taking your shot. The distance to your shot will calculate as you
move towards you ball.