RangeVue - Suggest Clubs: when enabled, these features are Non-Conforming for competitive
sanctioned rounds and will provide warning to you.
How to Setup RangeVue with Club Selection?
The SkyCaddie SX550 supports the NEW feature RangeVue with Club Selection. This feature will allow
you to program in your club distances through your SkyGolf 360 account and when enabled for use on
the SX550, will instantly show you distance remaining as well as the club suggestion. This feature can
be turned on and off for competitive sanctioned rounds.
Please follow the instructions below for setting up RangeVue with Club Selection.
1. Go to
and click on the “SkyGolf 360” section at the top of the page.
2. Click on “Login” on the top of the website.
3. When the “SkyGolf 360” page opens you should see a list of option tabs at the top.
4. Click on “Edit Golf Bag”.
5. In the “Edit Bag” screen you will see a list of clubs and you can edit distances or delete clubs. (Edit to
your personal distances or Delete clubs you don’t use).
6. Once finished click on “Save”. Then, connect your SkyCaddie SX550 and sync it to update this
information to the device to use with RangeVue with Club Selection. (See screenshots on next page)