D V R - 8 2 0 4 / 8 2 0 4 V / 8 2 0 4 S V / 8 2 0 4 T / 8 2 0 4 S T U S E R M A N U A L
1. Download “fs.zip”
Delete primary file
under “bootloader” input command: del 6
under “bootloader” input command
fx 6 romfs 0x7f0C0000 0xd00000 -acz
According super terminal TXD: select: “send”
“send files”choose files
“fs.zip”, then choose “Xmodem”protocol, then press send.
2. Download files “kernel”:
Delete primary file “kernel”
under “bootloader” input command: del 7
under “bootloader” input command
fx 7 Linux 0x7f020000 0x8000 -aczx
According super terminal TXD: select: “send”
“send files”choose files
“linux2.zip” ,then choose “Xmodem”protocol, then press send.
3. Upgrade “bootloader”
usually no need upgrade
Under “bootloader” input command
According super terminal TXD: select: “send”
“send files”choose files
“bootloader.bin”, then choose “Xmodem”protocol, then press send.
After files transfer done, Under “bootloader” input command
Then according SATA prompt operate.
Notice: The system can’t off line after administer command “g”, otherwise
can’t start-up.
4. Key in boot at bootloader.
5. Operate step as follows:
Notice: sending the files need relatively with the flash command
otherwise will be error.
Send files sketch map: