2. After open Multicast, the formerly connected client server will cut
automatically. Have to reconnect to view surveillance image.
3. System would not support public browse if open Multicast.
4. Be likely to induce local area network busy.
3.1.2 PPPoE
PPPoE use for setting PPPoE Dail connect. Input user and Password, then
press OK. Max User name and domain name is 31 characters. Max Password 16
characters. After Dail successfully, you can see relative connecting information on the
button of menu.
3.1.3 DDNS
Dynamic Domain Name Server
DDNS is to mapping the user’s dynamic IP
address to a fixed domain name resolution server. The client server program will transfer
the dynamic IP address to server program of client’s host computer when the users
connect to network. The server item program will offer DNS service and realize dynamic
domain name resolution.
Function for DDNS
The broad band server almost only offer dynamic IP address,
DDNS can capture client’s variation IP address and correspond the relative domain name .
Then clients can communicate with each other by different domain name.
DDNS Menu to setting DDNS .This DVR only support 3322.org DDNS
server .User should register to become a member on www.3322.org, and apply a domain
name. It will begin to work after then setting relative information on this DVR.
Setting method for this DVR: Open DDNS, Input user name, password and domain
name. Max User name and domain name is 31 characters. Max Password 16 characters.
User can visit this DVR directly after setting successfully.
Have to use DDNS and assure the DVR can visit exterior network.
Configure right DNS or open PPPoE.
Support public view DVR
Use Port mapping
Currently, This DVR only supports connecting to public network by other Router. It has
to use Port mapping to make long-distance user view DVR8204 system.
Suppose there’s a board with network setting as follow: