3. Menu and its configuration
In standby mode, press “confirm” , then press ▲▼ to select:
SMS Printer
Phone book
Call Center
User Profiles.
“settings” and press “confirm”, you can change “time and date”.
“SMS Printer” and press “confirm”, input password 123456, you can
enter into menu of sms printer.
The SMS Printer menu includes:
(1) Display Setting: Includes
“Logo” and “Idle Screen” display.
(2) Print Setting: Page Header, Page Footer, etc.
(3) System Setting: Set ResID, select SMS or GPRS mode.
(4) SMS Orders: Must set SMS center number, that is order
sender’s number.
(5) GPRS Orders: Set GPRS parameters
The following table is detailed description of menus.
3.1 Configurations for SMS Users
For SMS users which use SMS to deliver food order, select SMS mode.
Configure SMS center number in the menu which is order sender
’s number,
that is SMS gateway number.
If you use your mobile to do the test, then your mobile
’s number is SMS center
number. With this configuration, the SMS printer will only accept the short
message from SMS center to prevent receiving growing garbage messages.
3.2 Configurations for GPRS Users
For GPRS users which use GPRS to deliver food order, select SMS mode.
GPRS parameters include:
(1) GPRS open time: You can set 9:00, GPRS will work from this time.
(2) GPRS end time: You can set 22:00, GPRS will end after this time.
(3) GPRS check interval 30s,40s,60s:The device will send commands to
server to fetch order data with this interval.
(4) IP address: Server
’s fixed IP address or WAP Proxy IP of local operator.
(5) PORT number.
(6) APN: For China Mobile, it is CMNET.
(7) GPRS UserName: In China, not necessary.
(8) GPRS Password: In China, no password.
(9) FILE PATH: File path of new orders in your server.
Call Back URL
File path of order reply in your server.