Full stall
Defl ations
Full stall happens when you pull both brakes too hard. To return to the normal fl ight you must
release both brakes. After this usually comes a front dive with a possible front defl ation.
Mystic33 warns the pilot about stalling by increasing the brake load.
Deep stall (parachuting)
To get out of this mode you must pull A – risers or swing the wing by pulling and releasing the
brakes (preferably the fi rst one).
Asymmetrical stall
It can take place when you pull one of the brakes too hard, or while spiraling at a small speed in
turbulence you increase the angle of attack. Rotation in the asymmetrical stall is called negative
spiral. This is one of the most dangerous fl ying situations. In order to get out of asymmetrical
stall, just release the brakes. There may follow side thrust forward with a following wing col3
Frontal collapses
Mystic33 comes out of symmetrical front collapse by itself. You can pull the brakes about a 20
cm to speed the re3infl ation.
Asymmetric collapses can be controlled by weight3shifting away from the collapse and apply3
ing a small amount of brake to control the fl ight direction. At the same time you should use the
brake to re3infl ate the canopy.
If your Mystic33 collapses in accelerated fl ight, you must immediately release the accelerator to
slow the glider down.
Remember that the defl ated glider has higher stall speed and smaller brake travel. That is why
you should be careful not to pull the brake too hard to avoid stall.