In Flight Characteristics
You can change speed by simultaneously pulling or releasing the brakes. Flying at trim speed
(hands up) your glider will achieve its best glide ratio. When brakes are pulled approximately 25
cm – you get its minimum sink rate. In order to increase your speed you can use the accelera3
Speed control
In order to make Mystic33 turn with a minimum sink and radius while pulling the internal brake
you should pull very slightly the external one too. Use weightshift to decrease the spiral radius.
If the thermal fl ow is narrow and strong, increase the tilt and the rotation speed by releasing the
external brake.
When you need to turn fast, you should swing Mystic33 in the opposite direction and then pull
as hard as needed the internal brake.
Mystic33 has a brake travel about 60 cm. When full stall is about to happen, the load at the
brakes increases, and ensures that you know about it.
Mystic33 reaches its maximum speed when you pull the accelerator to its maximum and release
the brakes. Use this mode for long3distance fl ying and in strong winds. When using accelerator
you will have a maximum speed of more than 55 km/h.
Remember, that when you use the accelerator, your glider is more likely to collapse. We do not
recommend to use accelerator, if your altitude is less, than 100m. If collapse occurs, release
accelerator immediately.
Using accelerator
Mystic33 has long brake travel, light brake pressure and turns very well. When accelerated Mys3
tic33 remains solid and well3pressured. It also has high resistance to defl ations in turbulence.
Flying in turbulence
You can help your glider to avoid different collapses in turbulence – you must fl y actively for it.
When the glider pitches forward – use the brakes to slow it, if it goes back – release brakes.
These movements can be symmetric or asymmetric.
Let us remind you once again that you should be very careful choosing the weather to fl y.