How Do I Go Back A Step When I Make A Mistake In Programming?
You can’t go back a step but you can start over at any point by holding down the ENTER key until it beeps. This
will take you back to IDLE MODE. If you have unlocked the Advanced level Press ENTER again and use the ar-
rows to select your desired programming mode.
How Do I Make The Kiln Fire Hotter or Cooler In Glass Fire Mode (AUTO)?
Follow the instructions in this manual for turning on Modify GlassFire Mode. You will fi nd these instructions
under the Options Mode portion of the manual. When MGF is turned on it will give the option of changing the
process temperature and hold time as part of the programming process (pg.21).
How Do I Make The Kiln Heat Faster In Glass Fire Mode?
If the preset programs in GlassFire Mode are too slow for your liking the most obvious option is to switch to
Ramp and Hold Mode in the Advanced Level and design your own faster program. You can use the programs for
GlassFire Mode, which are listed in this manual, as a guide and just tweak them to your needs.
Another option is to use the Skip Step Feature (see EDIT MODE instructions pg.20) to skip the fi rst segment of the
GlassFire Mode program and move directly to the second segment which has a faster heating rate.
How Do I Make The Kiln Cool Faster?
In GlassFire Mode one option is to press STOP to skip the Annealing segments after the kiln has fi nished the pro-
cess segment. Another option is to switch to Ramp and Hold Mode in the Advanced Level and design your own
faster annealing portion of the program. You can use the programs for GlassFire Mode (pg.21), which are listed in
this manual, as a guide and just tweak them to your needs.
Still another option is to use a box fan to cool the outer shell of the kiln. This can knock up to 4 hours off the cool-
ing time depending on the model. Always be careful that you are not cooling too fast and thermal shocking or
improperly annealing the glass.
How Do I Start Over And Reset Factory Settings?
Follow the instruction under the OPTIONS MODE portion of this manual for Resetting Factory Settings. This will
bring it back to the same confi guration as it left the factory. Be careful because it will also overwrite any Ramp
and Hold Programs you have created.
How Do I Get The Controller To Read Temperature In Celsius?
Follow the instructions under the OPTIONS MODE of the manual for changing the temperature scale. When the
kiln is reading in Celsius there will be a red led light illuminated in the lower right hand corner of the display.