SKF Multilog On-Line System IMx-M
2 - 191
User Manual
Analog Ch Alert/Danger Threshold Scaling Factors
Table 2-36: Bit coding of alert/danger threshold scaling factors
Analog/Combined Ch Alert/Danger Threshold Scaling Factors
Bit 7-6
Scale factor for Low Alert threshold
Bit 5-4
Scale factor for High Alert threshold
Bit 3-2
Scale factor for Low Danger threshold
Bit 1-0
Scale factor for High Danger threshold
00 = Not scaled (value in alarm register is multiplied by 1)
01 = Value in alarm registers has been multiplied by 10
10 = Value in alarm register has been multiplied by 100
11 = Value in alarm register has been multiplied by 1000
Bit 4 is 1 and bit 5 is 0, so this means the High Alert threshold value has been
multiplied by 10, for transfer.
The value transferred in the register is read as 125 so taking into account the scaling
factor applied, the actual threshold value is 125/10 = 12.5
Analog Ch Trip Multiply Factor Definition
Table 2-37: Analog ch trip multiply factor definition.
Analog Ch Trip Multiply Factor Definition
High byte
used for Danger Trip Multiply
Low byte
used for Alert Trip Multiply
Value representation:
Value (between 10 and 250) is represented with one decimal, therefore 10 = 1.0 and
250 = 25.0.