40 (66)
SKF Multilog On-line System IMx-16Plus
User Manual
Revision Letter A
3. Is the voltage close to zero (typical < ±0,5 V)?
NO: Skip to step
YES: Now, verify that the voltage rises to normal open circuit voltage (about
24 V DC) when one of the sensor wires is disconnected from the terminal
block of the IMx-16Plus device.
a. Did the voltage rise to normal open circuit voltage?
NO: The IMx-16Plus is not providing sensor power. Check that the
IMx-16Plus is correctly configured to supply sensor power for this
channel. If properly configured, then the IMx-16Plus may be
damaged. Contact TSG.
YES: Continue.
b. The fault is in the sensor or its cable. Go to the sensor and
disconnect the cable at this end. Reconnect the cable on the IMx-
16Plus terminal block and again measure the voltage across the two
terminals. Does the short circuit remain (voltage close to zero)?
NO: The sensor is defective. Replace the sensor.
YES: The sensor cable (or contact/connector) has a short circuit and
requires repair/replacement.
4. Is the voltage close to the open circuit voltage?
YES: There is an open circuit in the cable or the sensor is damaged. Skip to
NO: If the voltage appears to be neither within the normal working range,
close to zero nor close to the open circuit voltage, then the fault is an unusual
one. First, recheck that the DCV measurement was correctly carried out, then
contact TSG for advice.
Remaining faults can be due to a damaged sensor or a damaged IMx-16Plus
input circuit. First, disconnect one pole of the sensor cable and measure the
open circuit voltage to verify whether the open circuit voltage is normal (about
24 V DC). If it is normal, then the fault is probably in the sensor, otherwise the
fault is likely in the IMx-16Plus.
5. Disconnect the connector from the sensor and short circuit the pins in the
sensor contact, then re-measure the voltage on the IMx-16Plus terminal
block. Did the voltage sink to close to zero (<0,5 V)?