General workout principles
1. Warm-up
Warm up before each workout. Walking or jogging on the spot as well as easy stretching is recom-
2. Breathing
Proper breathing is crucial during the workout. Breathe calmly and regularly and never hold your
Clothing and sufficient space
Dress in comfortable sports wear and be sure to allow enough space to perform the exercise.
Always wear sports shoes and never train barefoot, with socks only or flip flops.
4. Workout strategy
Do not exaggerate the training and over exhaust yourself. Keep your personal fitness level in mind
and start out moderately with just a few minutes of training, slowly increasing the time span over
the course of some weeks. Skip one day between training sessions for rest. It is recommended to
consult a doctor prior to training.
5. Cool-down after workout
Perform easy stretching as you cool down in order to slow down your pulse rate. This will help the
body to regenerate faster and will activate the metabolism to reduce lactate build up.
6. Performance level
Once the current training level does not challenge you any more you may increase the intensity.
7. Health
Should you encounter severe muscle pain please stop your workout immediately. For any other
acute pain consult your physician as a precaution.
8. Handling
Lie down straight on the equipment and always operate with both hands. Adapt the performance
level and duration to your personal constitution and fitness level.