6. Welding current pulse selec�on
• DC welding (without pulse).
• Single pulse – improves the transfer of filler to the welded material. Recommended for welding aluminium and Cu-Si
alloys. Improves welding performance also for solid wire by welding carbon steel alloys.
• Dual Pulse – high welding performance, characteris�c fish scale weld.
7. Wire feed speed selec�on
Smooth adjustment of wire feeder speed.
8. Welding current voltage selec�on
Indicates the welding current voltage. The higher the voltage, the longer the welding arc. Selec�on depends on material
thickness and type.
10. Selec�on of peak and minimum feeder speed
This class of semi-automa�c welding machines is capable of self-adjus�ng the wire feed speed during welding. Despite
the previous se�ng of the "Wire feeder speed", corresponding to the base value, you can specify this parameter.
9. Inductance
First, set the data to "0" and then start welding; if the welding end is too narrow, set it higher. If the weld is too wide, set
a lower value.
Note: If there is no need to adjust the inductance, which is most o�en used for welding thin materials, do not change
the factory se�ngs of this parameter.