The SISTEMCO Digital Chess Clocks
DICHESS XT, Novo and Tempus NC Models
1. Foreword
2. Technical Description
3. Functions
4. Starting
5. Technical specifications
Oct 05
6. Warranty
Version 5.4
7. Special Functions for DICHESS XTA
( in revision)
1.- Foreword
For more than a century chess clocks have been used as a
means of controlling the tempo of play for a game of chess.
Today’s chess players can benefit from the precision and
exactitude of digital electronic technology. The need for
digital chess clocks is seen every day with the proliferation of
tournaments of varied time controls. The technology used for
the SISTEMCO digital clocks, the DICHESSXT, Novo and
Tempus models, meet all the varieties of tournament and
informal competition.
F.I.D.E. (Fédération Internationale Des Echecs), the World
Chess Federation, has encouraged the use of Digital Clocks
issuing a number of specifications about the main features.
The DICHESSXT models have been specially designed to
meet these norms.
A new presentation of player’s time using analogical
information is included in this model.
Around the digits there are to rings, with enough segments
to represent 1 hour time. In the last quarter, each minute is
represented with an individual segment (except the 15-14
and 13-12 interval with a segment each). Among that, a
rule is presented for helping to confirm the remaining time