EG360 Hands-Free Entry System
with Dynamic Immobilizer &
Smart Anti-HiJack &Foot Brake Lock
System Features
1. Auto-Unlock
The system UNLOCKS the vehicle when the user is approximately 2 meters away and trigger waves
are sent to the transponder to confirm user’s presence. 2 seconds after the system is UNLOCKED,
the vehicle enters immobilizer Mode.
2. Dynamic Immobilizer
The Immobilizer function will be automatically disabled when the system performs Hand-Shake
confirmation with the transponder upon inserting the key and turning ON the ignition. The vehicle
CANNOT be started with just the key as the transponder must be present as well when attempting
to start the vehicle.
3. Smart Anti-hijack
When Anti-Hijack Mode is set to ON, if any doors are opened and closed anytime after Ignition ON,
the system will check-in with the transponder after 2 minutes. If the transponder is not present
after 60 consecutive checks (approx. 30 seconds), the system enters Anti-Hijack Mode, activating
Starter Disable or Petroleum Pump Disable depending which is installed.
*The use of Starter
Disable or Petroleum Pump Disable is recommended instead of Engine Block Disable.
4. Passive Lock
While in Immobilizer Mode, whenever the vehicle doors are opened and closed, the
system will check with the transponder and LOCK the vehicle when its not in range.
* If the user is going to work/stay around the vehicle for an extended amount of time, it's
recommended to turn off all EG360 features temporarily in order to avoid unnecessary drain of
transponder battery
[Please refer to page 4 Button 2 b and c ].
5. Automatic Re-Lock
The system will Re-LOCK the vehicle if 1 of 2 conditions applies: 1) The user enters and leave the
Detection Zone without opening the doors; 2) The user opens and closes the doors without
turning on the ignition and leave.
6. Smart Transponder Low Battery Warning
When arm the system, horn chirp once, parking light flashes 4 times. When press disarm chip
twice, parking lights flashes 5 times. [For normal operation, please refer to page 4 Button 1 ].
SINGTECH EG360 Alarm System 2 10170361A