You have a choice between two methods of making
bar-tack buttonholes: using the built-in-four-step sys-
tem or manually controlling the selectors.
You will find detailed instructions for using the two
methods in this manual; but you will find the following
information basic to both.
1. Always make a test buttonhole on a sample of your
fabric. Be sure to duplicate the thickness of the gar-
ment and include interfacing if appropriate.
2. Use No.5O or finer mercerized cotton thread or
embroidery thread. and reduce needle thread ten-
sion to slightly less than normal.
3. Use a size 11 needle for embroidery thread and 2
size 14 needle for cotton thread.
Accurate guidelines are essential to-keep buttonholes
at a uniform distance from the edge of the garment.
evenly spaced and on the grain of the material.
Mark the center line of the garment. This guideline can
be mad by hand basting. The space from 'he center
line to the finished edge of the garment must be from
3/4 to the full diameter of the buton. With this spacing
the button will not extend beyond the edge when the
garment is buttoned. Make sure the center line mark-
ing follows a lengthwise fabric thread.